Dave's Not Here


Hike up Snowbird — WITH SKIS!

by on Jan.06, 2014, under 2013-2014, Workout Logs

Yes, you read it right. This morning, thanks to my new AT setup, I hiked up Snowbird on skis!

Last week, I was skiing with Tammy, and did one run on blues (Gadzoom -> Lunch Run -> Big Emma). It killed me. My thought was, why am I hiking up, then doing an easy run on my snowboard, when I could be working on my ski skills?

So, I hiked up. The last time I hiked, I found the cat track by Willbarre that made an easy climb to the top. I went straight up this time, since my skins were holding so well . . . until they weren’t.

At the top of Big Emma, about 10′ from the lip, I couldn’t get enough traction to get up it. I was stuck. So, I sat down, removed my skins, set my bindings to downhill, and then got stuck. It was too icy, and too steep for me to get my skis back on. I tried for a while, then slid down my butt about 100 yards, to try again. And fail again. By the time I could finally buckle in, I was at the top of Mid Gad. Note to self: From now on, take the cat track, so you can stop where it’s flat to remove skins.

Anyway, here are the stats . . . maybe a video to follow, if my camera worked:


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2013-2014 Ski Days

by on Nov.21, 2013, under 2013-2014

This page is going to be used to keep track of my ski journal, so I know how many days I have skied / boarded this season!

Total Days Skied / Ridden

TODO: Add google docs link — maybe.

* Pre Season: 0
* Post Season: 0
* Hiked: 1

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First Ski Day: Hike up Snowbird! 2013-11-21

by on Nov.21, 2013, under 2013-2014, Dave's Rants, Workout Logs

Had a great hike up Snowbird this AM. Got to try out my new (used) Oakley jacket, chest mount on my go pro, and my new helmet . . . all toys worked flawlessly!

My cardio is crap — here’s the garmin info:


And, finally, here’s the video. Enjoy!

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