Opening Day at Snowbird
by codemonkey on Nov.15, 2012, under 2012-2013
Snuck away from work for a Half day at Snowbird, on opening day!
It reminded me a lot from two years ago, my first season in Utah. I had forgotten how to ride. I was getting tired, and couldn’t do heel-toe transitions properly. I wasn’t sure if it was my new board, lack of skill, or fear . . .
Skinned up Brighton
by codemonkey on Nov.11, 2012, under 2012-2013
With: Brad, Dennis, Derek, Ryan
Skinned up Brighton
Getting better at skinning.
Nice powder runs.
Fell a lot.
Skinned Up Alta
by codemonkey on Oct.28, 2012, under 2012-2013, Workout Logs
With: Brad, Dennis, Derek, Nick, Sean
Skinned up Alta. Ate me up cardio wise. Top half of the run down was awesome. Bottom half was skinny, cat tracky, and brutal.
Near the bottom, something that “looked” like fresh pow ate my lunch. Solid ice camouflaged as powder. You can see my arms try to find balance in the video. Damn shadows 🙂
Set up this new log
by codemonkey on Oct.04, 2012, under 2012-2013, Workout Logs
Excited about the new season. First run last year was on October 7th! Now I need to get my playlist in order, and decide what “tool” I’m going to use . . . . leaning toward Mog.
2012/2013 Ski Days
by codemonkey on Oct.04, 2012, under 2012-2013, Workout Logs
This page is going to be used to keep track of my ski journal, so I know how many days I have skied / boarded this season!
Total Days Skied / Ridden
* Pre Season: 2
* Post Season: 1
Season of New (Used) Gear!
by codemonkey on Oct.01, 2012, under 2012-2013
This season, I bought / received the following gear, that I can’t wait to try out. Well — I don’t want to really try out the avalanche gear . . . but I want to play with the rest of it!
* Avalanche Probe – I got this for my birthday in march . . . but now I have something to carry it with (see below)
* Shiny Green Pants – Not to be confused with the Shiny Green Suit on *Good Morning, Vietnam!* – Tammy bought me some new ski pants on sale . . . hope they fit my larger, summer, bottom.
* [2010/2011 Rossignol Experience Snowboard – 159](http://www.neilprovo.com/2010/09/2010-2011-rossignol-experience.html) – This is the same size as my old board (now a rock board), but more of an all mountain one. I could have used one a bit longer, but, $100 for a used demo board fits nicely. Found it at used @ Snowbird.
* Avalanche Shovel – $20 @ sniagrab!
* [Voile Mojo Split Decision](http://www.backcountry.com/bcs/review/Voile-Mojo-171-Split-Decision/137413.html) – With bindings from Second Tracks. Much love for that store.
* Black Diamond Covert Avalung Pack from Snowbird swap. (Now holding all my avalanche gear)
* [Voile Splitboard Skins](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001FWVHD6/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00) – New from Amazon
* [Ortovox 3+ Avalanche Beacon](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003CMQB4W/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00) – New From Amazon