Archive for June, 2015
RV Upgrade Pros and Cons
by codemonkey on Jun.24, 2015, under Dave's Rants
We’ve been trying to decide what to do with our RV (Travel Trailer). Here are our options with Pros and Cons:
Solution, Cost (Monthly / Total), Pros, Cons
“Rent a truck when camping”, $500/trip — $1500/year, Cheapest, “May be hard to find. Throwing away rental cost.”
“Quinn gets small truck for first car”, “XXX / $15,000”, After five years will be free, “Quinn has to deal with truck, monthly cost for 5 years, still pulling heavy trailer with inappropriate vehicle”
“Buy Drivable RV”, “XXX / $40,000 + $6,000 negative equity in trailer”, “Best driving experience, more storage, much more space, much nicer”, “Cheaper monthly than buying Quinn a truck, but much longer debt (15 years, I think)). More debt”