Archive for July, 2014
Days in the Green
by codemonkey on Jul.10, 2014, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs
I thought I’d create this post to tell on myself. Since I decided to Go Green, I thought I’d call myself out when I fail . . .
How long have I been good?
Dave has been green for 3880 days!
Failure Log
* 2014-JUL-7 – Had to leave early to take kids to Swim Meet
Gotta get up early!
by codemonkey on Jul.08, 2014, under Body Stats
I just decided to move my strength from Wendler 5/3/1 back to Crossfit. I think I’m going to start on Friday. But, to prepare, I timed my ride to the gym this morning at ~31 mins. So, changing shoes, etc, I need to call it a 40 min ride.
Giving time for a bathroom break, etc, I probably need to leave the house at 5:15 for the 6:00AM class. Crap. I may have to start setting the alarm even earlier!