Dave's Not Here

Caloric Surplus Introspections

by on Mar.06, 2014, under Workout Logs

As many of you know, I have recently started trying out an online trainer, FitJerk from Fitocracy. Problem is, I seem to be doing less. And, that’s a problem.

As I was lying in bed last night, deciding not to go to the gym this morning, I started wondering why. The previous nights, I had rationalized my decisions because I was tired from late nights. And, I’ve been omitting cheats with my meal logs . . . not sure why about that either. And, not sure why I was cheating. I’ve managed liquid diets w/o issues.

So, I started thinking why. What was different now. You would think that with someone looking over my logs, I’d be embarrassed to cheat. Then it suddenly dawned on me. It is not *my* plan. If I fail, it’s his fault. And, since I have someone to blame, I can say, “fuck it”.

At least, that’s why I think I’ve been so inconsistent.

Either way, time to get back on the wagon.

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