Dave's Not Here

Mississippi Queen

by on Feb.26, 2013, under Dave's Rants

First, here is the track I was using. It’s only two minutes long, so, I think Sean found a different one.

Mississippi Queen

I bought the score . . . I found that it was accurate, but, covered more than this song — so — back to what Sean found — this is the *short* version.

Hopefully this is readable — I only had one print (didn’t know that), so I had to scan back in my printout . . . it’s here:

Mississippi Queen Score

Intro Riff
This is played off and on throughout the song.

Intro Solo

This is played right after the intro riff. Backup guitars start playing main chord parts with riff (I’ll add those below later)


Mid Solo

I love the sound of this one. It starts off a bit lower than the intro riff, but then climbs up and adds the intro parts too. Lots of nice bends and feeling in this one.




Final Solo

This one starts RIGHT AFTER the mid solo.



Chord Riffs

I was going to pull them out — but — check the first score . . . they’re really clear.

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