Diet Time! (part deux)
by codemonkey on Feb.23, 2012, under Workout Logs
So, after talking with a lot of people (Ryan + chaps over on [Fitocracy][f]), I’ve decided to make some changes.
If you remember from my [other post](/2012/02/diet-time/), I was going to do [Starting Strength][ss] and [Leangains][lg] for my diet. And, I have started it successfully — I already dropped over 7 lbs of water weight 🙂
However, Ryan pointed out two other plans:
* Strength: [Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Plan][531]
* Diet: [Cheat Mode][cm] and, I even found a morning workout version: [Cheat Mode v1.2][cmm]
I read up on them, and I really liked the science behind them. But, I do have some worries.
I don’t think I’m quite ready for [5/3/1][531] yet. I’m getting sore on [Starting Strength][ss], since it’s been a few months since I’ve lifted heavy.
Also, as far as the diet goes, I like the fasting portion of [Leangains][lg], but I worry that there isn’t enough fasting. However, I am already losing weight.
My New Plan
So, what to do for me?
First off, I need to see a doctor about my shoulder. (I have an appointment for next week). Depending on what he says will determine what I do workout-wise. If I am able to continue working out, I will either move immediately to [5/3/1][531], or I will wait for [Starting Strength][ss] to stall. I do like that I can work out 4 days a week with [5/3/1][531].
As far as diet goes — similarly, I’ll either just switch over to [Cheat Mode][cmm], or I will wait for a stall. Either way, I will eventually be doing [5/3/1][531] and [Cheat Mode][cmm].
### The Schedule
Once I move over, this will be my schedule:
Monday: Exercise Day
Tuesday: Exercise Day
Wednesday: Fast Day
Thursday: Exercise Day
Friday: Exercise Day
Saturday: Fast Day
Sunday: Non Exercise Day
The days are described below. If I do happen to get in cardio on non exercise days, I’ll supplement with 30g of BCAAs spread out.
#### Exercise Day
Here is my schedule for exercise days:
**5:30AM** – Wake, pack for gym, and drink 10g of BCAAs.
**6-7AM** – Workout
**8:00AM** – 10g more BCAAs
**10:00AM** – 10g more BCAAs
**12:00PM** – Epic Breakfast + caffeine – Carbs are allowed. Fiber is encouraged.
**3:00PM** – Lunch (snack) — lower in carbs than breakfast
**6:00PM ish** – Dinner – Low carb
**8:00PM** – Fast Starts
#### Fast Days
No food. No exercise. Non caloric drinks / gums / etc allowed. Caffeine encouraged. (Fat burners, etc)
#### Non Exercise Days
Schedule for non exercise (and non fast) days:
**12:00PM** – Breakfast + caffeine – Keep it paleo
**3:00PM** – Lunch (snack) — paleo
**6:00PM ish** – Dinner – paleo
**8:00PM** – Fast Starts
[lg]: “Leangains”
[ss]: “Starting Strength”
[sl]:×5-beginner-strength-training-program/ “Stronglifts”
[pb]: “Primal Blueprint”
[f]: “Fitocracy”