2011/08/09 Ride to CrossFit, WoD, Ride to Work
by codemonkey on Aug.09, 2011, under Workout Logs
Ride To Crossfit
This was my first full attempt at the full route. I was pretty happy with the results. Got to CrossFit in just under 13 minutes.
- 3x
- 10 Shoulder PT’s
- 10 BW Squats
- 10 Pushups
- 400m Run
- Shuttle Runs
WoD “JT”
- 21 – 15 – 9
- HSPU (I did 2 real ones, then used a box)
- Ring Dips (I had to use the assist very early)
- Pushups
While I thought the Shuttle Runs would be the thing to kill me (and they did), the WoD was really bad too. My arms quickly became jelly, so that I could only do 3-4 pushups at a time. (And you don’t want to know how few HSPU’s and ring dips I was doing in a “set”)
Ride To Work
Ride to work was pretty easy. Made one wrong turn at the end, and had to double back. Did great on the slight climbs. Even managed to pass a pair of people on bikes. And one was on a road bike! Yes, my mountain bike turned road bike, with my fat-ass on it, passed a road bike. (Oh, I’m stoked — no question)
Adendum — Ride Home
I knocked a minute off of my time riding home, and taking the big hill!