CrossFit Must Be Doing Something!
by codemonkey on Jun.08, 2011, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs
Today I rode my bike to work for the first time this year. I’ve gained 30lbs since I’ve been to Utah. But, I’ve also been doing CrossFit for about a month, so, I had no idea how well I’d do.
The first thing I noticed on the ride was that I was going faster. A lot faster. I kept trying to switch past my highest gear. Maybe it helped that my quads were a little sore, so I could feel when I was (or wasn’t) pushing. It also seemed like I was making very good time.
When I got to the hill, it killed me again. I ended up in my lowest gear (even the low gear on the front sprocket), and just crawled up the hill. Some kid on a bike passed me. (Damn whipper snapper.) It seemed like it took me a lot longer to hit the top of the hill too. Usually, after I pass the big climb, the smaller switchbacks don’t bother me. But, this time, while they weren’t too hard, I still found myself in a very low gear.
Anyway, on to the results. Last year, on my first ride, my HR hit 190, and the trip took 27:05. My last ride last year my HR got to 187, and it took me 25:19. This ride, my HR got to 175, and it took me 20:59. Now that’s improvement!!
And, I do blame CrossFit! It’s forced me to do all the things I hate to do 🙂