Dave's Not Here

2011-06-03 WoD — Full of Suck

by on Jun.03, 2011, under Workout Logs

From Crossfit


  • 3x
    • 100m run
    • 10 squats
    • 10 pushups


  • 3x max rep strict pull-up
  • 3×8 Bent over row (progressive weight)

Here I used the green band (around a knee) for the pullups, and I managed 6/4/3. Not too impressive. But, about what I expected. I remembered rowing around 75#, but, when I put 65# on the bar it seemed really light. So, I started at 75# and added 20# each time, for 75/95/115. Next time, I’ll start at 95# or 115, and go from there.


  • 4 Rounds
    • 35 Squats
    • 20 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 (I did 95#)
    • 200m Sprint (yes, sprint)

Now the suck begins full swing. The squats were mostly easy — a nice rest. But, they weren’t completely easy. I still took an extra breath here and there. My cleans were just too heavy for 20. I started breaking them into groups of 5, but they still sucked. A lot. And, the run sucked too. My legs were rubbery every single round I went to the door. My time was 21:24 (last again). This one seriously kicked my ass. Thanks to Andrew ghosting me on the last run, I managed to get a little kick in at the end. Bar none, I think this was the hardest WoD to date. I am so happy that I have two days off now!

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