Dave's Not Here

2011-05-09 – WoD – First CrossFit WOD!

by on May.09, 2011, under Workout Logs

2011-05-09 – WoD – First CrossFit WOD!

I’ve been logging my PotD’s (Pain of the Day) for a while now, but, since I’m finally doing CrossFit, I thought I’d get with the program, and do a WOD.

First, I’m doing my CrossFit exercises over at CrossFit Sandy. Awesome gym — I highly recommend it.

And, down to the meat.


  • 3 times
    • 150m Row
    • 15 lunges
    • 15 push-ups

I was a little disappointed in myself here. The push-ups actually gave me a bit of trouble. Wow.


Andrew at CrossFit Sandy prefers to so strength + CrossFit. Which is perfect. I was a little worried about the strength regimen. Don’t get me wrong. CrossFit (just the foundations) kicked my ass. I have no cardio. I have no explosion. But, I was worried that I’d get skinny rather than big. I am no longer worried.

  • 4×4
    • Deadlift (165#)

I picked way too low of a weight here. I was worried about the 4 sets and keeping my form, but, it ended up being too easy. Next time, for 4×4 DL’s, I’ll do 205.

WOD (Workout of the Day)

  • AMRAP (20 mins)
    • 5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups. (with strap)
    • 10 Wallball Shots (14# — took the girl weight :()
    • 15 Kettle Bell Swings (25#)

First, the results: 5 sets + 2 pull-ups.

Next, the meat: I tried a pull-up when I first grabbed the bar, but failed. On the second set, I managed two pull-ups. It was strap only from then on. While I was a bit disappointed in my strength performance, I wasn’t as disappointed here. I know my cardio sucks. And, I know my explosive strength sucks. I look at this as a good starting point, and I can’t wait for my cardio to get good enough that I’m burning strength too, rather than just running out of air 🙂

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