Dave's Not Here

PotD – 2010-06-18 – A little nausea never hurt anyone

by on Jun.18, 2010, under Workout Logs

Today’s workout was a bit . . . urm . . . strange.

First, I got my %BF measured by the gym.  I came in at 15%.  Which is a fourth reading.  My old scale reads 23.9.  My new one has me at 29.something.  And, my caliper had a different number, but, it’s been a while since I’ve used it.  If I really am at 15%, then the wall I hit when I got to 180lbs was more than just a plateau.  It was more like my very healthy weight, and, anything lower would really take a lot to shave off.  (i.e. If I’m at 15% at 199, then at 180lbs, I’d have been at 5%, if all of that weight was fat.  But, as much as I’d like it to be so, I think that the gym measurement is probably a bit off.  (One cool thing — they last measured me in October, 2009, and I came in at 30%!  So — change IS good!)  I’m trying to set a %BF goal, and I’m not sure which measurement to use.  I’ll have to grab MY calipers, and see what they tell me. . . Where’s a bathtub when you need one?

Next, I decided to run @ 7.0MPH instead of my normal 6.0MPH for my warmup.  Made a huge difference.  I was panting by the end of it.  Note to self:  All future warm-ups will be at 7.0 MPH.

Finally, my workout was weird.  I got REALLY tired, and slightly nauseated.  I’m not sure what caused it.  The squats were hard, but, they were also heavy (for me).  I powered through, but was feeling really crappy by the lunges.  I think started girling-out (industry term), and stopped at two sets.  After looking at the clock, I blew off the end of the workout.  I still need to get in abs work sometime today.

I think the 7.0 MPH actually started the downward spiral.  But, since it kicked my ass, I definitely need to try it again next leg day.


  • Warmup:  5 mins on treadmill @ 7.0 MPH
  • Squats: Warmup: 135# 1×8 then 195# 3×8 – VERY hard.  Had to take a few breaths between each rep.  Form stayed really good, though.  Went down really low.  Was fatigued more than unable to lift the weight.  Warmup really helped my form.  I’ll start doing warmups from now on.
  • Lunges w/ DumbBells: 30# 2×8 – Stationary, leg back lunges.  Just the down and up motion (back leg stayed back).  8 reps per leg (16 reps) = 1 set.
  • Straight Leg Deadlift: 135# 3×8 – Weight felt easy.  Got a little dizzy toward end of sets.  Well. . . more fatigued than dizzy.
  • Blew off leg curls, calf extensions, and ab work

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