Dave's Not Here

PotD 5/3/2010 – Finally got up 180

by on May.04, 2010, under Workout Logs

After a failure, then a slight shoulder pull, I finally managed to get up 5×5 of 180#.  Yay!  But, I had another issue with the workout.  I started getting stretchmarks under my right arm.  Where I’ve gotten them in the past.  At first, I thought I had caught an armpit hair in my clothes, when it started to burn and pull.  Then I realized, that, for the first time, I was actually feeling the skin stretch.  Yeuch and Owie, all at the same time.

And, I had a failure with power clean, but only because I’m a moron and jumped up 20 lbs.

Interestingly enough, Loch did not fail.  And, I think it’s due to body types.  He’s taller and lankier than I am, so, power clean is harder for him.  So, in order to do even the 105, he has to do it right, while, I get the benefit of not having to move it as far.  So, when I did the 120#, I failed, because I’m not using my legs enough, and I don’t have the strength to reverse curl 120#.

Anyway, here was the workout:

  • Cardio:  Jog 1 mile (Did it in 9:30 — trying to beat a 9 minute mile now.  This INCLUDES 30 seconds of walking for warmup . . )
  • Squats 5×5: 160#
  • Bench 5×5: 180#
  • Power Clean 3×5: 120# FAIL –  I accidentally read my notes wrong.  I need to unload.  I’m doing hang cleans now, and doing them wrong, so I’m having failures.  Dropping to 105# next time.
  • Bar Dips 3×8: +20lbs – Fun Fun — but started getting an owie, so I dropped one rep from the last set.  I’ll repeat at 20#
  • Two sets of dragon flags, 1×12 of reverse crunch – With the Dragon Flags, I’m doing three “Reps”  One “Rep” is starting at the top position (toes pointed to the sky), and dipping low, then back up, till I get tired, then doing a slow dip, as low as I can go, till failure.  Lots of burn.

One final note.  My triceps are getting lots of pump from the bench, and the dips.  But, on the Overhead press days, my biceps do not get the same joy.  So, I’m going to add some biceps work in somewhere, somehow.

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