Dave's Not Here

Mini Snowboarding Trip Report (March 22-24 2010)

by on Mar.24, 2010, under Dave's Rants


Monday I got to the slopes around 6:30.  I got my $16 ticket (found a coupon), and hit the slopes.  My board was VERY slippery.  I noticed a huge difference between it and my old board.  Unlike in Cataloochee, where the difference was minimal.  I think it’s because the snow in Utah is not as sticky as the snow in NC.  I also noticed that the condition of the Utah snow was starting to suck.  It was a bit icy.  (Way less icy than other places — but not the “perfect” Utah snow that I’ve come to enjoy.)  Looks like Utah has seasons too!  It was also snowing . . . HARD.  I was very glad that I brought goggles.  I also found out that my goggles don’t have much of a tint, so they work just fine at night.

I’ve started listening to music when I board alone.  I really enjoy it.  But, I have yet to find headphones that do not hurt when covered by a ski mask and my helmet.  I found some speakers mounted in earpieces made for my helmet for $20 on e-bay so I bought them.  Too bad I won’t get to use them till next season.

The runs were “ok”.  I kept doing things wrong when I got scared and froze up a bit.  I pretty much side slipped the moguls when I did them twice.  And, when I hit the little canyon run I was so proud of doing before (it’s like a little channel, 4′ wide, that has hills / jumps), I went too slow, and barely made it through.  Not a good night.  But, I up from 2:50 AM local, and vry tired . . so . . .   I left a little early, around 8:30.  And, I even broke for a snack around 7:30 . . all in all, not a terrible day of boarding, but nothing to write home about either.


I found half a testicle Tuesday night, and finally started boarding more “right”.  I got a late start again — didn’t get onto the slopes till 7:00.  But, I did a full two hours of boarding, non-stop.  Monday I kept sticking to an edge.  This is especially obvious on cat tracks with a drop off.  It really sucks to know that you could do it right, know that you are being silly and scared, and still not be able to go to the right edge.  Very strange.  Mind over matter, my ass.

I found that I tended to have good non-turn slides to the heel edge, but whenever I went toe edge, I would get almost horizontal.  So, I started working on it, and cleaned it up quite a bit.  (i.e. when going mostly straight, but slowing by making small S turns (not really turning, but grinding that edge), I found that I would grind properly heel edge, but I would do a full grinding turn toe edge, and end up side slipping for a sec)

Anyway, I finally started to consciously work it out.  I noticed a couple of things that were contributing:

  1. When toe edge, you’re looking up hill — it’s hard to see where you’re going.
  2. I was obviously going too fast for my comfort . . . my unconscious mind wanted me to slow down.

I jumped once last night . . . w/o a ramp.  Did not feel very good, but at least I got to check that notch off a bit.  I need to start doing this more.  Brighton has a huge terrain park, but, it’s not like the noob park at Cataloochee.

I have also noticed that I’m burning muscle on my downhill quadriceps.  I think it’s from sticking to heel edge too much.  Or, it’s from starting to bend my knees more.  Or, it’s because I’m finally getting lots of speed.  Not sure which, but it’s full of suck.  I’ve noticed it happens more often when on a relatively flat area, where I need to stay on an edge, w/o grinding, to make it across the flat.  By the time I get to the end of the flat, my quad is on fire.

Wednesday / Thursday

Wednesday, I want to use my second print-at-home ticket ($25).  I’m hoping to get there a bit earlier, so that I have time to take things slow, work on my failings a bit more.  I want to get comfortable doing straight jumps.  I also want to start working on ollies & butters (I’ve never done either).  But, they both scare the crap out of me.  And, finally, I want to work more on using the “other” edge when on a cat track with a drop off.

Finally, on Thursday, I’m going to treat myself to a B-Day Boarding lesson.  They start at 6:00, so, I should be able to get in an hour (or two — not sure) lesson, and have plenty of time to practice afterward, as the season closes for me.  I’m going to see if they can help me start working on beginning tricks / jumps.  (Ollies / Butters / Jumps)

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