PotD 2/17/2010 – Workout Log
by codemonkey on Feb.17, 2010, under Workout Logs
Today’s Pain of the Day was weird. It was heavy legs, but I had some squat issues again. I guestimated my 5RM of squats to be about 225#, but, when I tried it, I started getting pains in my lower back / hips. The weight felt ok, but my form must be off or something.
I’m seriously considering starting the Stronglifts.com program after my trip to SLC. But, I need to get just a bit of metrics in to make sure I’m not losing muscle on my diet. The woes of a stats freak . . .
The Workout
- 5 mins of cardio
- Circuit x2
- Squats 185#/5, 185#/5
- DB Lunge 40#/5, 45#/5
- Lying Leg Curl: 145#/5, 145#/5
- Hyperextension w/bar 50#/5, 50#/5
- Hip Adduction Machine: 235#/5, 280#/5
- Hip Abduction Machine: 235#/5, 280#/5
- Calf Raises: 225#/6, 225#/5
- Hanging Leg Raise: 10, 10
- Reverse Calf Raise: 225#/5, 225#/5
- Crunches: 35 (on machine), 60
- Twisting Sit Ups: 10, 10
I ran out of time, so I skipped my closing cardio.