New Workout Regimen (Dave’s Workout, v 3.0)
by codemonkey on Feb.04, 2010, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs
Because I still have way too much time on my hands, I decided to redo my workout again. Actually, I was tired of not being able to adequately track my progress using the Men’s Health Personal Trainer program. While their circuits were good, I wasn’t able to tell if my new diet was robbing me of muscle mass. So, I needed a change. Also, I wasn’t getting in my cardio, so, my days off were really just days off.
I first made a plan based on a three way split:
- Chest and Back
- Arms and Shoulders
- Legs
But, the problem with that split is that I need a day of rest between Chest and arms. And, no matter how you lay it out, you need an extra rest day between the workouts (outside of the weekend). There were several conflicts: Pulldowns and Pullups (Back) also worked biceps (Arms). Bench and Pushups (Chest) also worked Triceps(Arms) and Shoulders.
So, that split was not going to work. I instead went with a Push / Pull split, as follows:
- Pull
- Push
- Legs
So, these exercises have absolutely no cross conflicts, and can be done every day. I only work out M-F, so, almost everything gets two workouts each week, and the cycle repeats every three weeks. I did the Pull workout today, and I’m very happy with it. I also created Documents and Spreadsheets over on Google Docs. I can print them out, and take them to the gym to jot down my progress. I still need to create a spreadsheet to track the progress . . . but I’ll do that today.
If you’re really bored, check them out — I think you’ll like it!