Dave's Not Here

Yet Another Decade, Yet Another Resolution

by on Jan.04, 2010, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs

The morning of January 1st, Tammy asked me what my new years resolution was.  I knew if I said, “Lose weight”, I wouldn’t be able to duck quick enough.  So, I actually gave the question some thought, and came up with my resolution(s) for this year:

  1. Finish losing weight.  Instead of the normal thing, I think, by the end of this year (probably much sooner), I’ll finally be happy with my weight, and I can stop obsessing.
  2. Slightly related to the first one, but dealing with Diet Sodas.  I have had a lot of problems in the past, giving up diet sodas.  I’ve gone cold turkey, for months at a time, but, with restaurants, and the occasional impulse buy, they end up back in my house, and before I know it, I’m drinking 6 a day again.  So, this time, it’s a bit different.  It’s manageable:  I will not bring any diet sodas into the house. Period.  I think this rule will keep my intake down, and still allow for eating out, an occasional at-the-register impulse buy, etc.

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