Yet Another Decade, Yet Another Resolution
by codemonkey on Jan.04, 2010, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs
The morning of January 1st, Tammy asked me what my new years resolution was. I knew if I said, “Lose weight”, I wouldn’t be able to duck quick enough. So, I actually gave the question some thought, and came up with my resolution(s) for this year:
- Finish losing weight. Instead of the normal thing, I think, by the end of this year (probably much sooner), I’ll finally be happy with my weight, and I can stop obsessing.
- Slightly related to the first one, but dealing with Diet Sodas. I have had a lot of problems in the past, giving up diet sodas. I’ve gone cold turkey, for months at a time, but, with restaurants, and the occasional impulse buy, they end up back in my house, and before I know it, I’m drinking 6 a day again. So, this time, it’s a bit different. It’s manageable: I will not bring any diet sodas into the house. Period. I think this rule will keep my intake down, and still allow for eating out, an occasional at-the-register impulse buy, etc.