Dave's Not Here

Starting Medifast (Take Shape for Life) Tomorrow

by on Jan.11, 2010, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs

I did a half-assed attempt at starting today.  Went almost low carb.  Just enough to give myself a little headache.  Maybe it will ease my pain tomorrow.  Tomorrow is for real.  5 Medifast meals a day, plus one Lean & Green one.  Tammy is doing it with me, so I’m pretty excited about it.

Today I cut my workout in half.  I removed all cardio, and, instead, did a fast circuit.  I did the Men’s Health “Abs Diet Workout”, Day 1.  It was pretty fun.  I did  this:

Crunch Twists – 15
Knee to Chest Crunches – 15
Side-Ups – 10
Back Extension: Plank Hold with Lift – 10
Back Extension – 15

Then, I did two circuits of this

Squats – 155#/12, 155#/12
Dumbell Bench Press – 70#/10, 70#/10
Wide-Grip Front Pulldowns – 110#/10, 110#/7
Seated Barbell Front Press – 75#/10, 95#/5
Barbell Upright Rows – 65#/10, 70#/10
Cable Pushdowns – 70#/10, 70#/7
Leg Extensions – 150#/10, 150#/10
Standing Barbell Curls – 70#/10, 70#/10
Lying Leg Curls – 110/10

It took me about 35 minutes, and I burned 347 kcals.  Perfect for a medifast workout, if I do say so myself!

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to walk briskly for 45 mins.  I may do a jaunt around Leita Thompson park.  I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to run – fat burning vs cardio zones and all 🙂

And, in unrelated news, today I registered for, and attended my first day at Southern Polytechnic State University.  Then, when I got home, I dropped the class.  It wasn’t that the class was hard, it was that attendance was mandatory.  Completely mandatory.  So much so that my unpredictable travel schedule would cause me to fail the class.  Time to find another class, that can actually work with my schedule. 🙁

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