PotD: 1/18/2010: Over Low-Carb Slump!
by codemonkey on Jan.18, 2010, under Workout Logs
Successful Pain of the Day (PotD) today! I managed to finish my workout. I’m finally over the low-carb slump that I was in for much of my first week on Medifast. My Medifast Health Coach recommended an additional maintenance bar (going to a 6 & 1) plan, but, I’m trying things out with a single maintenance bar (which is almost twice the carbs of a regular bar) immediately after my workout, counting as my mid-morning meal. We’ll see how it goes.
I burned 367 calories in 43 mins with an average heart rate of 146bpm.
- Crunch Twists: 15
- Knee to Chest Crunches: 15
- Side Ups: 10
- Back Extension: Plank Hold with Lift: 10
- Back Extension: 15
- Squats 12@165#, 12@165#
- Barbell Bench Press 10@160#, 10#145#
- Wide Grip Front Pulldowns 10@100lbs, 10@95#
- Seated Barbell Front Press (Military) 10@75#, 10@70#
- Barbell Upright Rows 10@70#, 10@75#
- Cable Pulldowns (triceps) 10@70#, 10@70#
- Leg Extensions 10@175#, 10@175#
- Standing Barbell Curls 10@75#, 7@70#
- Lying Leg Curls 10@110#, 10@110#