PotD: 01/20/2010 – Workout Log (slight fatigue)
by codemonkey on Jan.20, 2010, under Workout Logs
Today’s Pain of the Day (PotD) was mostly good. I had a bit of fatigue toward the end. But, I’m not sure if it was fatigue, or just a slightly upset stomach from taking my vitamins. From now on, I’ll take them at lunch time to avoid these issues. For the second time, I ate a maintenance bar for my morning snack after the workout. Just in case. I worry, though, that I’m eating too many carbs by doing it. But, I think Friday is the last time I’ll eat them. After that, it will be a normal Medifast meal. Anyhoo, onto the workout . . I quit about 2/3 of the way through the second circuit.
I spent about 35 minutes working out, with an average HR of 157bpm, and I burned 380 calories.
- V Sit-ups: 15
- Reverse Crunches: 0 — I’m simply not able to do these
- Jackknifes: 10
- Back Extension: Plank Hold with Lift: 10
- Back Extension: 15
I’m supposed to do this two times, but, I quit during the second half.
- Dumbbell Squats – 12@85#, 7@85#
- Dumbbell Bench Press – 9@80#, 10@75#
- Bent-Over Barbell Rows – 10@70#, 10@75#
- Seated Dumbbell Press – 10@35#, 10@35#
- Dumbbell Upright Rows – 10@30#, 10@30#
- One-Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks – 10@25#
- Leg Extensions – 10@175#
- Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls 10@35#
- I might be doing this wrong. I start out in almost a hammer curl, and twist it to a normal curl. I noticed that I was doing it, and I tried to change to a straight curl, but, when I did that, it was too heavy. I may reduce weight to do it “right”.
- Lying Leg Curls – 10@115#