Dave's Not Here

Off to Salt Lake City . . .

by on Dec.08, 2009, under Dave's Rants

I’m off to SLC today.  I’ve really been looking forward to running this jogging trail I found.  But, the highs are in the low 20s, so, I may be confined to a treadmill .  . we’ll see.  I brought some wicking running clothes, but, I’m not sure if they can work at that temperature.  If not, I’ll be doing the “indoor” thing.

My food journal is going pretty well, but, I don’t think it’s completely accurate yet.  It shows me at 1745 kcals, but, I know I overate, so, my portions must have been large.  At least, it feels like I overate.  Maybe I didn’t.  But, I would still guess that yesterday was a 2000kcal day, not a 1745.  For example, my lunch pinto beans had a lot of ham hocks in it.

Now that I’m traveling things will shift a bit.  It will be harder to estimate my meals, but, my snacks will be store bought, so they should be exact.  I think I’m going to buy a pack of protein bars for snacks.  I would do the shakes, but, since I need the calories, I’m going to allow carbs in my first 3-4 meals a day, instead of first 2-3.  (Starchy carbs).  Or, I can just buy some fruit, and stick with the low carb protein — not sure yet.

I did drop my 3.5 lbs of water weight I gained this weekend eating poorly!  So, I’m back down to my normal plateau weight (216 -> 212.4).  I’ve been stuck between 208 and 213 for 3 months.  Which, while it sounds like nothing, just reaffirms my hypothesis — that I’ve been starving.  I’m curious how I’ll do traveling.  Since I typically over eat at least one or two meals a day — eating out with coworkers, I *should* hit my 2000 calorie goal pretty easily.  And, if we are right, I should still lose weight this week.  (Or not — since I’ve been in starvation mode, It may take me a week or two for my body to recover)

Anyway, enough babbling — time to get my mind ready for a flight worth of airplane work!

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