Dave's Not Here

I realized something today

by on Dec.14, 2009, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs

Well — I realized it yesterday.  Call it an epiphany, whatever . . . I found it pretty interesting.

I have lost a couple of pounds this week — while, in my mind, gorging. I have had a lot of trouble getting to 2000 kcals. And, I started thinking about why. When I realized it, it opened my eyes — but — leaves for many battles in the future.

While it is easy to eat 2000kcals of ice cream, candy bars, milk shakes, and chicken wings, it is actually quite a bit of healthy food. Since I’m eating right, I fill up on a chicken breast and a serving of brocolli. My breakfast is usually around 200kcals, and, I’m full after eating it. And, obviously, eating 10 of my normal breakfasts is hard! My problem has been, that 2000 kcals of healthy food, is actually a LOT of food. Divided into 5 equal sized meals, there are 400 calories per meal. That’s four low carb protein shakes. Eleven ounces of chicken breast. Forty cups of salad.

So, because of that, I have been eating too few calories, and I think, I have gone into starvation mode.

Strange — it is hard to eat healthy — not because I have cravings, but, instead, because I have to eat too much food.

Who would have thunk it?

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