Dave's Not Here

PotD: 11/25/2009 – Full body workout

by on Nov.25, 2009, under Workout Logs

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Pain of the Day

Today I was supposed to workout with a trainer, but, he blew me off. So, I’m at the gym with no plan. Oh well — you tell me how well I did!

Full Body Workout


  • Dumbbell Press 12@65#, 6@65#, 4@65#
  • Dumbbell Flys 12@25#, 10@25#, 8@25# (Not sure it was 25# — could have been 45#


  • Wide Grip Assisted Pullup 12@-40#, 8@-40#, 8@-70#
  • Barbell Biceps Curls 12@45#, 8@45#, 6@45#


  • Romanian Deadlift 8@135#, 10@135#
  • Triceps Pushups (narrow grip, not military) 12, 12, 12


  • In Place Lunges (reps done on each leg, R/L) 12/10@25#/arm, 12/8@25#/arm, 10/8@25#/arm
  • Dumbbell Military Press 12@25#, 12@30#, 12@30#


  • Weird Trainer Abs Exercises To Failure — usually about 8-10
  • Weird Trainer Plank-ish pushups To failuer — usually about 4-6


Took me an hour, but, that was probably due to me not having a set routine. Still did my 60 secs of cardio between sets. I sometimes blow off the cardio if I spend a lot of time racking weights — I just do the next set, instead. (Since I’m rested, muscle wise, and strength training gets my HR higher than cardio).

I wore my polar HR monitor today. I like two things about it: Big HR display, and it works with the machines, so when I’m on a treadmill, I don’t have to look at my “watch”. But, the Garmin pwns it, by taking 1 second snapshots, and allowing me to see them on a graph. I’m not 100% sure, but I’ll likely be selling this puppy. Workout HR info:

Polar HR Info

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