News, Views, and Abuse
by codemonkey on Oct.30, 2009, under Dave's Rants, Workout Logs
So, there have been lots of comments / questions on facebook, so I thought I’d address them all at once. But, I have to brag a little first. I ran 3 miles today w/o walking. in about 40 minutes. (Averaging 4.5 MPH for those of you who can’t do math). I was doing this cycle with my heart rate: (click for larger image)
And, yes, I’m pretty pleased with myself.
Workout Schedule
My workout schedule is this:
- Monday: 40mins on treadmill, 1 hour of yoga. Yes, this kills me.
- Tuesday: 40 mins on treadmill, Upper Body Weights
- Wednesday: 40 mins on treadmill
- Thursday: 40 mins on Treadmill, Upper Body Weights
- Friday: 40 mins on Treadmill.
- Every day, 30-60 minutes of walking — NEPA (Non Exercise Physical Activity) — very difficult to get this in — if at all.
I was advised today that I should stretch after my warmup on treadmill, so I’m going to try to work that in. . . I’ve been stretching cold.
There have been several questions about my diet. Here’s what I’ve been doing, tracking everything on DailyBurn (I’m user CodeMonkey there — but I think you have to register to poke around):
Calories: 1300-1600 (200-300 more when I work out, M-F)
I have also been trying to eat raw (as in unprocessed foods), but, I still do eat some — convenience is a bitch. I eat about 5 meals a day, but I can’t seem to fit the sixth in in the evening. Here is my typic mealplan:
Breakfast: The easy one, diet wise. I eat one of the following
- Oatmeal (Either instant Weight Control, or No Sugar Added), or, if I have time, I eat real oatmeal. ~ 160 kcals
- Nonfat flavored yogurt w/ 1/4 cup of low fat granola (like Bare Naked). ~250 kcals
- Protein Shake (Lo Carb Metabolic Drive from Biotest) either 110 or 220 kcals (1 or 2 scoops)
- 2 servings of egg beaters: ~150 kcals
Morning Snack (After workout snack)
- Protein Shake from gym: 200-300 kcals
- Protein Bar from gym: 200-300 kcals
Lunch – This is where it starts getting tougher. I usually have a protein, and some veggies. But, depending on how hungry I am, I may have a carb too. So, this is usually 3-4oz of some grilled meat on a bed of lettuce. If I need a carb, I either bake a small sweet potato, or, eat some Tabuleh or something. In general, this meal is 300-500kcal
Lunch Snack – This is my bad meal. I start getting hungry again around 1-3:00PM, and sometimes snack badly. We have some organic animal crackers lying around, and, when my sweet tooth hits, I’ll start grabbing handfuls. It’s my goal to make this snack a Metabolic Drive Protein shake. Probably 200kcals to get rid of my sweet tooth.
Dinner – Similar to lunch, only with more veggies. Typical meals are a protein (4-6oz), a fiberous starch (sweet potato, beans, someitmes rice), an veggie or two (steamed), and a salad.
Where I cheat:
- I have not completely dropped the diet cokes. If we eat out, then I drink like 10 at the table. I need to cut them out completely.
- Eating out is tough. I’m fine at Outback, but, anywhere else, it’s hard to order healthy.
- Animal Crackers. Nough’ said.
- NEPA (Non Exercise Physical Activity) – I’ve been trying to get the family walking on evenings. But, it is VERY hard to find the time. So, we’re lucky if we get in 1-2 days a week. This really needs to be every day. (Just walking, briskly, for 30-60mins — but — it’s hard to find those 30-60mins)
I’m not sure what else to do. I’m pretty comfortable with my plan. But, I’m still plateaued. I’m actually ok with being plateau’ed this week, since I ran 3 miles. I’m open to the possibility that I’m building a little muscle in my legs. But, if I don’t drop next week, I may have to revisit this plan . . .